Geographical Information Systems and Science (Third Edition)
Paul A. Longley, Michael F. Goodchild, David J. Maguire, and David W. Rhind

The Third Edition of this bestselling textbook has been fully revised and updated to include the latest developments in the field and still retains its accessible format to appeal to a broad range of students. An instructor manual is available, along with Powerpoint slides for lectures and specially written laboratory exercises on the ESRI Virtual Campus. The book and instructor manual are each cross referenced to the Geospatial Analysis project for those intent on going still further with GIS.
Teaching Manual
To download the manual, please click here (requires Adobe PDF Reader)
Lecture Slides
To download the lecture slides, please click here (requires Microsoft Powerpoint)
Geospatial Analysis
To connect to the online Geospatial Analysis project click here
Virtual Campus
To connect to the Virtual Campus course from ESRI click here and search for 'Turning Data into Information with ArcGIS 10'.
The Third Edition
Divided into five clear sections, the book investigates the unique, complex and difficult problems that are posed by geographic information and together they build into a holistic understanding of the key principles of GIS.
This is the most current, authoritative and comprehensive treatment of the field, that goes from fundamental principles to the big picture of:
- GIS and the New World Order
- security, health and well-being
- digital differentiation in GIS consumption
- the core organizing role of GIS in Geography
- the greening of GIS
- grand challenges of GIScience
- science and explanation
Key Features:
- Four-colour throughout
- Associated website with free online resources
- Teacher's manual available for lecturers
- A complete learning resource, with accompanying instructor links, free online lab resources and personal syllabi
- Includes learning objectives and review boxes throughout each chapter
New in this edition:
- Completely revised with a new five part structure: Foundations; Principles; Techniques; Analysis; Management and Policy
- New boxes that feature biographies and research of current GIS practitioners
- Now includes coverage of the latest Internet mapping interfaces and hand-held devices, and discusses their adoption and use in scientific investigation
- New or extended coverage of Web2.0, open-source GIS, cyberGIS, and neogeography mashups
- Includes learning objectives and review boxes throughout each chapter
- New or thoroughly reworked chapters on Distributed GIS, Map Production, Geovisualization, Modeling, and Managing GIS
- Outstanding supplements package complete with instructors companion website that includes links, online lab resources, instructors manual and sample syllabi
Hallmark Features:
- Presents principles and techniques of GIS alongside the latest trends in data, software, societal exploitation of technologies, and industry developments.
- Applications of how GIS is used to solve problems from the global to the local levels in a broad range of disciplines, and for government, business, and community initiatives.
- A market leader, the was the first book cover GI systems, GI science, GI practice, GI Management, the impact of Internet GIS and the GI implementation.
- Demonstrates the truly interdisciplinary nature of GIS, describing implementation issues in a clear, non-technical way.
- Communicates the richness and diversity of the GIS in a lucid and accessible format.
- Provides a gateway to Internet-based classroom and distance learning, through its use of online educations resources at the ESRI Virtual Campus.
- Internationally renowned authors and researchers
- Full color throughout with over 300 illustrations.
- Dedicated on-line 'Virtual Campus' exercises for lab classes or on-line learning
- In-text student-centered activities to foster review, research and 'learning by doing'
- In-chapter summaries of key points
- In-chapter "Review and Research" activities