Worldnames profiler
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Publicprofiler Worldnames is a service developed out our research which has investigated the geographic origin of names across the globe. Still in its early stages, the site has been used by millions of users worldwide and has spawned a huge amount of press interest. Our ongoing work is providing unique insights into global migration flows and the geography of human DNA. Publicprofiler Worldnames uses a wealth of new and up-to-date sources to identify where in the world people with your surname are found, as well as the profiles of these areas. The site provides lots of interesting facts and figures about those people sharing your family name. What is your family's place in the world? Find out at:
Publicprofiler Great Britain Names
Our popular website: has now been updated to include a new Flash mapping interface and improved cartography. This site presents the findings of a project based at University College London (UCL) that is investigated the distribution of surnames in Great Britain, current and historic. It allows users to search the databases that we have created, and to trace the geography and history of family names. Some of the underpinning research is described in:
Longley, P.A., Webber,R., Lloyd,D. (2007). The quantitative analysis of family names: historic migration and the present day neighbourhood structure of Middlesbrough, United Kingdom.Annals of the Association of American Geographers 97(1), 31-48.
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The Censusprofiler Website presents a comprehensive picture of Great Britain's neighbourhoods in a national context using a unique open source mapping interface to the 2001 Census of Population.
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The Londonprofiler application is at the same time a map repository of our past and a platform which tells users what they need to know about living in London. Users may navigate the site using the familiar Google Maps interface. You can interact, zoom and query the available information, or add your own KML files. For each dataset, we provide detailed descriptions of the techniques used to construct the raw classification, and guidance ('metadata') to guide use of the data in neighbourhood profiling. The underpinning research is summarised in:
Gibin, M., Singleton, A.D., Mateos, P., Longley, P.A. (2008) Exploratory Cartographic Visualisation of London using the Google Maps API. Applied Spatial Analysis and Policy, 1(2), 85-97.
Longley, P., Singleton, A.D. (2009) Classification through consultation: public views of the geography of the e-Society. International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 23(6), 737-763.
P A Longley, D I Ashby , R Webber, C Li (2006) Geodemographic classifications, the digital divide and understanding customer take-up of new technologies. BT Technology Journal 24: 67-74.
P A Longley, R Webber, C Li (2008) The UK geography of the E-Society: a national classification. Environment and Planning A 40(2) 362 – 382.
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Mynameprofiler develops neighbourhood profiling for the social networking generation. Our application works alongside your Facebook profile to suggest what your name, the names of your friends and family, and the names of your neighbours might say about you. You can view and install the application by visiting the url above.
Postcodes are used to link names and addresses to CACI's ACORN geodemographic classification. This allows us to identify how affluent, on average, every name is, relative to the other names on our lists. You can find out more about geodemographic classifications at
The Mynameprofiler application appends affluence measures to the names of you and your friends.
It also looks at the family names of all the other people who live in your neighbourhood, and creates median ranks of their relative affluence throughout the UK.